Cranial Therapy: Cranial Adjusting Turner Style (C.A.T.S.)

Head examination, concussion treatment

The human skull is structured like a puzzle. It is comprised of 22 bones joined by sutures. The space between the brain and skull is known as the arachnoid space. Within this space, there is Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) and a rich blood supply to the brain.

Certain injuries to the skull can cause the bones to be knocked out of proper alignment. These misalignments can interfere with an individual’s nerves, CSF and blood supply to the brain. A misaligned skull can also exert extra pressure on the brain, interfering with the brain’s nutrient and oxygen supply. Pain and altered functions can be a direct result of the added intra-cranial pressure.

For more information about the functions of each part of the brain, please follow this link.

What is C.A.T.S?

Cranial adjusting turner style (C.A.T.S) is scientifically and neurologically designed to address cranial misalignments and relieve discomfort for many conditions including concussions, head trauma, post-concussive syndrome, headaches, migraines, and sinus issues.

Cranial adjusting may improve blood supply to the brain, brain function, cognitive disorders and quality of life.

Who can benefit from this treatment?

Individuals with the following conditions may benefit from the cranial adjusting technique:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Autism
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Dyslexia
  • Ear problems, including those with difficulty draining
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Jaw problems
  • Learning difficulties
  • Migraines
  • Post-Concussion Syndrome
  • Premature aging
  • Seizures
  • Sinus problems, including snoring and breathing problems

Concussion and head injury treatment with C.A.T.S

Head injuries can be the result of falls (slip and fall on the ice, learning to walk, falling down stairs or falling from beds), blows to the head (hitting your head on the cupboard, trunk of the car, punches, or kicks), sports injuries or car accidents (including whiplash). There can also be certain incidents during birth and infancy that affect the skull’s alignment.

Any individual who has suffered from a head injury (such as a concussion) or trauma, has a bump on their head or other changes to the skull bones should have themselves examined for any bone misalignments. Certain health problems may seem unrelated to bone misalignments, yet they can still be the result of a head injury or trauma.

Dr. Rodwin has had great success treating patients who have suffered a concussion using the cranial adjusting style. She has been able to help patients who have tried many other treatments without success by treating the root cause of the post concussion symptoms: cranial misalignments.

Is a cranial adjustment similar to a chiropractic adjustment of the spine?

Adjustments to the cranium are done a little differently than adjustments to the spine. Instead of a dynamic adjustive thrust, there is a constant /consistent pressure applied in the opposite direction of the misalignment.

What will I feel during a cranial adjustment?

Both the patient and the practitioner will feel the repositioning of the bones during a treatment. The patient may experience wiggles, pulsations, slides and multiple releases.

Typically, the cranial bones will not release with a “popping” noise. Cranial bones move slightly and there will either be no noise heard or an audible “cluck” if sutures are realigned. An adjustment takes around 6 seconds.

Success stories:

  • Jennifer: ‘with the work you did after the first time I have less pain in that part of my head which normally I feel ALL the time!’
  • Mike: ‘wow just after one treatment my headache was lessened and now after 3 treatments my neck moves better, I am sleeping better, I have less brain fog, I can focus and concentrate a lot better and I actually can see more clearly!’
  • Keri-Lyn: my eyes became clearer after the eye adjustment!
  • Bruce: ‘I can breathe out of my nose properly and do not snore as much!’
  • Nancy: ‘My ear became unclogged and drained for me!’
  • Robert: ‘My migraine lessened in intensity and the next one was not as frequent and was less intense’ Wow thank you for changing my life!

patient picture cranial adjusting concussion treatment ottawa


Amanda Byrne is 21 years old and suffers from concussions. She receives the Cranial Adjusting Turner Style (CATS) from Dr. Rodwin for this condition. Dr. Rodwin also provides her with key supplements to help her brain healing process.

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