Active Release TechniquesBlogChiropracticTestimonials Wrist, Neck, Back and Knee Pain Name of condition: wrist, neck, back and knee pain Symptoms: In the wrist, pain when performing exercises…adminJuly 7, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlog Active Release Technique (ART) ART ® stands for Active Release Technique ®. It is a new and highly successful…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlogSports & your health Running Injuries As any athlete knows, there is nothing more frustrating than to be kept from training…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlog Paddling Injuries Resolving Paddling Injuries With Active Release Techniques (ART) As any athlete knows, there is nothing…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlogSports & your health Active Release Techniques (ART) for Golf Injuries Despite being considered a low impact, non-strenuous activity that can be enjoyed by players of all ages…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesSports & your health The Athlete’s Knee and Knee Injuries Resolving Knee Injuries with Active Release Techniques Knee problems can be among the most frustrating…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlogSports & your health The Athlete’s Ankle and Ankle/Foot Injuries Resolving Foot and Ankle Injuries with Active Release Techniques (ART) The ankle is a critical…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlog Resolving Shoulder Pain and Shoulder Injuries Recognizing Shoulder Pain and Avoiding Shoulder Injuries Clicking, crunchy noises? Often patients complain of a…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlogChiropractic Sciatica (Leg Pain) Resolving Leg Pain with Active Release Techniques (ART) Leg pain – often diagnosed as Sciatica…adminJuly 4, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlog Foot Pain Improved treatment for Plantar Fasciitis and other common foot conditions with Active Release Techniques® If…adminJuly 4, 2014