BlogChiropractic Chiropractic and Low Back Pain: The Research Evidence Chiropractic for low back pain: Here are just a few of the studies showing chiropractic…adminJuly 2, 2014
BlogMassage therapy Massage for Children By Shirley Vanderbilt Originally published in Body Sense magazine, Spring 2003. Copyright 2003. Associated Bodywork…adminJuly 2, 2014
BiomechanicsBlog Biomechanics of the knee, shin and our feet Our Feet are our Foundation The feet are the foundation of the lower limbs. Poor…adminJuly 2, 2014
Active Release TechniquesAcupunctureBlog Achilles Tendonitis What is Achilles Tendonitis? Achilles tendonitis is a common injury in the running community.…adminJuly 2, 2014
BlogSports & your health Remedial Exercises : Helping You Heal Faster Include Remedial Exercises as a Part of your Healing Process! Remedial exercises are used to…adminJuly 2, 2014
BlogChildren & expecting mothersChiropractic Chiropractic Care for Children Chiropractic care for Children: Children benefit from chiropractic care for the same problems for…adminJuly 2, 2014
BlogChildren & expecting mothersChiropractic Some Important Thoughts on Children and Chiropractic Common Questions From Parents How early should children be adjusted? Is it safe? Aren’t their…adminJuly 2, 2014
BlogSports & your health Examining Each Common Running Injury Plantar Fasciitis The plantar fascia (fash-ah) is a thick band of tissue that connects your…adminJuly 2, 2014
BlogChiropracticMassage therapy Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Problems Watch this video to understand a bit about how Dr. Rodwin treats the jaw:…adminJuly 2, 2014
BiomechanicsBlogOrthotics Biomechanics of Golfing The foot explained! The foot is made up of 26 bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons.…adminJuly 2, 2014