Biomechanical Assessment

Image depicts different elements of the biomechanical assessment: the footscan machine, an anatomical foot model, an example of a scan, and some orthotics.

At Back to Health Wellness Centre, we prioritize helping you make informed decisions about your health. Our comprehensive care includes educating you about your condition through detailed biomechanical assessments. By conducting a biomechanical assessment for patients experiencing discomfort in their back or lower limbs, we can address the root cause of their issues and help restore balance and reduce discomfort.

Educating our patients about their conditions allows them to adjust their lives, reducing the risk of future injury. Whether we recommend slight changes to your footwear, changing your posture as you do certain activities, different stretching and strengthening exercises, or recommending custom-made orthotics, we have your best interest in mind.

A biomechanical assessment is an in-depth analysis and examination of your feet and lower limbs. The condition of your lower limbs may be affecting your daily life, so this assessment is done to help investigate your lower limb function. The chiropractor will examine the body for abnormalities or compensations, explain how these issues may be causing you discomfort, and then recommend the best course of treatment.

Why Should I Get A Biomechanical Assessment?

Have you ever experienced spontaneous stiffness or discomfort in your lower limbs that has no known cause? Do you notice that you experience stiffness in your lower back or hips after walking or standing? These issues can be caused by various things: the way you walk, run, stand, or sit.

Misalignments or abnormalities in your body can put a strain on your muscles, joints, ligaments, or tendons, causing other tissues to compensate. This overcompensation can lead to further discomfort! Furthermore, the repetitive motions of walking or running impact more than just your feet. Your knees, ankles, pelvis, hips, lower back, and spine can also be impacted!

So what are the advantages? Well, with your biomechanical assessment, you will:

  • Gain a better understanding of the condition and function of your body and lower limbs
  • Know various treatment options according to what is recommended by the chiropractor
  • Identify if the symptoms you experience are a result of poor structure, alignment, or biomechanics
  • Determine whether custom-made orthotics would be a good fit for you and your condition

A treatment plan outside of custom orthotics may also be recommended to fit your specific needs. At Back to Health, our practitioners work in conjunction to provide our patients with the best possible support. Therefore after your assessment, you may be recommended to get chiropractic treatment or see one of our Registered Massage Therapists or physiotherapists.

I am not sure if I need a Biomechanical Assessment and I still have questions… What should I do?

If you would like to learn more about the biomechanical assessment or have any questions related to the appointment, footscans, or custom orthotics, please feel free to E-mail us at or text or call us at (613) 237-3306.

You can also read more about orthotics and Gait Analysis on our website.

Watch our video about plantar fasciitis treatment and recommendations.

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