Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Custom Orthotics

Are you interested in learning more about orthotics before you purchase them? If so, dive into this page as we discuss some of the frequently asked questions we receive from patients about custom orthotics.  If you have further questions, please feel free to E-mail us at or call or text us at (613) 237-3306.

What is included in the price of the custom orthotics?

The price paid for the orthotics includes the initial foot scan, shoe assessment, and biomechanical analysis that is conducted at your appointment. The amount also covers all future follow-up appointments, such as the Annual Orthotic Check, re-evaluations, and future foot scans that may be required.

How long do they last?

The average lifespan of the orthotics is 1-2 years but varies depending on how often you wear your orthotics. We recommend patients get their orthotics checked every year in an appointment called an Annual Orthotic Check. This appointment is free of charge as it is covered in the price of your orthotics.

What if I need modifications to the orthotics?

For each pair of orthotics, 1 modification is included in the cost within 35 days of when the orthotics arrive in the clinic. Further modifications beyond this date have an additional fee.

Are over-the-counter (OTC) orthotics the same as custom orthotics?

No, OTC orthotics are NOT the same as custom-made orthotics. OTC orthotics are generic and not designed to tailor your specific needs. Custom orthotics are made using your scans to create the best model of orthotics to ease your discomfort and help provide some relief.

Are orthotics covered on insurance plans?

Orthotics are covered under many insurance plans. To get them covered, you must first obtain a prescription from your doctor that indicates your diagnosis, such as pes planus (flat feet).

What do orthotics do? What is their benefit?

  • Orthotics act as your normal feet
    • There are 3 arches in your feet, but many people need support, which orthotics can provide
  • Help with discomfort/alignment in your feet, knees, hips, and lower back
  • Decreases chances of degeneration/slows down degeneration

Who makes the orthotics? Where are they made?

At Back to Health, we work with Footmaxx to produce custom orthotics. Footmaxx is a US-based company that has offices and labs in Canada.

Please feel free to contact us via email, text, or phone if you have any further questions or concerns.

You can also read more about orthotics and Gait Analysis on our website.

Watch our video about plantar fasciitis treatment and recommendations.

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