Active Release TechniquesBlog Posture Good Posture...just how important is it? Posture ranks right up at the top of the…backtohealthNovember 20, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlogChiropractic Scoliosis and Spinal Curves Scoliosis explained Scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine that causes stiffness and pain.…backtohealthNovember 12, 2014
BlogOrthoticsTestimonials Achilles Success Story Written by patient Mary Reilly: I started teaching at St. Mark High School in September 2004…adminNovember 11, 2014
Blog Holiday Checklist Holiday Checklist: Shopping Take a pair of running shoes and change into these out of…backtohealthNovember 7, 2014
Blog Self-Care Instructions (home) In General; Avoid rubbing, probing, or “poking” in the areas Dr. Barbara Rodwin adjusts.…backtohealthNovember 4, 2014
BlogSleep Sleeping Tips for a Better Sleep People spend much of their lives asleep. Each of us spends about one-third of…backtohealthNovember 4, 2014
BlogChiropracticGait analysisMassage therapyOrthoticsPregnancy Pregnancy What happens to the body during pregnancy? Pregnancy is a time of rapid biological…backtohealthNovember 3, 2014
BlogCommon conditionsPreventative measures Muscle-Skeletal-Nerve Disorders Found in over 70% of a Dental Team! The musculoskeletal system includes: muscles, tendons, tendon sheathes, nerves, bursa, blood vessels, joints/spinal discs, and…adminOctober 22, 2014
Active Release TechniquesBlogChiropractic Ribs and the Spine Anatomy of the Ribs and Spine The neck ends at C7 and then the thoracic…backtohealthOctober 21, 2014
Active Release TechniquesAcupunctureBlogChiropracticMassage therapy The Hip Understanding and Addressing Hip Pain: Often Misdiagnosed and Left Untreated The hip joint is a…backtohealthOctober 16, 2014