Head to Toe Holistic Health Care.
Our multidisciplinary clinic in Ottawa specializes in Active Release Techniques, Chiropractic, Custom Orthotics, Massage Therapy, and Physiotherapy. We offer various treatments that can help conditions such as iliotibial band syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches and migraines, golfer’s elbow, plantar fasciitis, and much more!
Click on the links below to learn more about the different treatments and services we offer.
Conditions that we treat:
Click on each condition to find out more!
Sleeping Problems
Mental Health
Jaw Problems
Skin problems
Carpal Frozen shoulder/Rotator Cuff Tennis/
Tunnel Pregnancy & Fertility Golfer’s
Syndrome Postural corrections Elbow
Thumb Rib misalignments Wrist
Pain Digestive health Problems
Diet and weight loss
Hormonal imbalances
Arthritis Prevention
Back problems(anywhere!)
Muscle strains and sprains
Hip issues/replacement recovery
Sciatica and hip issues
Knee Osgoode
Replacement Schlatter
Recovery Shin splints
Patella Plantar
Femoral Fasciitis
Bunions Morton’s
Flat Feet Neuroma
Services that we offer:
- Active Release Techniques
- Chiropractic
- Community Health Talks
- Cranial Therapy
- Cupping Therapy
- Custom Orthotics
- Exercise Programs/Stretching & Strengthening
- Gait Analysis for Better Foot Health
- Graston Technique
- Interferential Current Therapy
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage
- Massage Therapy
- Natural Health Store
- Pelvic Health Treatments
- Physiotherapy
If you are interested in learning more about our treatments and services or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
Text or call (613) 237-3306
Email: reception@back2health4you.com
Book your appointment online through our website or Jane.
Check out our YouTube Channel for informational and demonstration videos: https://www.youtube.com/@Back2health4you/featured