Beginning exercise in the New Year! It’s that time of year when many people are making resolutions to get in shape and be more healthy…are you one of them? Depending on your current fitness level, getting fit in 2016 may be a big challenge, especially if you are used to a sedentary lifestyle. Don’t let that discourage you. Resolving to live a healthier lifestyle, including regular exercise and proper nutrition, will bring benefits for years to come.

Each year, fitness ranks among the top New Year’s resolutions made, but most people will abandon their resolution by the end of January. In order to stick to your resolution, you must first make your goal specific and realistic. Next, remember that you won’t reach your end goal over a short period of time. Many people break their resolutions simply because they get burned out. They approach their goal too hard and too fast, and don’t allow themselves time to gradually work toward their end goal.

 By Dr. Barbara Rodwin, Doctor of Chiropractic, Biomechanics specialist, Doctor of Acupuncture, Active release provider, Cranial adjuster.

Common resolutions heard from our patients:

“This year, I’m going to start exercising.”
“This year, I’m going to lose all my extra weight.”
“This year, I’m going to take better care of myself.”


Exercise, Getting back into it Slowly and Safely

exercise, walking

Physical training requires careful planning and preparation—it’s a process. Approaching your physical fitness too aggressively can easily lead to burnout and even potential injury. The following are some useful tips to help you reach your fitness resolution in 2016:

  • Consult Dr. Barbara Rodwin: Before you begin any workout regimen, it’s important to meet with Dr. Rodwin to discuss your plans. They will let you know if there are any precautions you should take due to your current
  • health and fitness level.
  • Meet with a trainer. A certified professional fitness trainer can help you define your goals and develop a structured exercise plan to achieve those goals. A trainer will also take the time to teach you proper form for various exercises, which will help you avoid injury.
  • Balance your fitness. A balanced fitness plan should incorporate elements of cardiovascular exercise, strength training and flexibility. Meet with Dr. Rodwin to have your flexibility checked and she can also develop a stretching and/or strengthening program to meet you body’s needs. A well-rounded workout plan not only gives you a full body workout—it also adds variety, which can keep you from getting bored and help you stay motivated to reach your goals. Work various forms of each of these elements into your plan for even more variety.
  • Warm up and stretch. Before each workout, give your body time to prepare for exercise by warming up. Warming up is important to get your blood flowing and loosen muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. Once your body is warmed up, take some time to stretch each muscle group. Stretches should be slow and controlled, holding each for 10 to 20 seconds. Ask Dr. Barbara Rodwin what the correct stretches are for your particular sport and your body’s imbalances!
  • Take your time. Never rush through a workout; doing so may lead to injury. This is especially important during a strength training workout. Each repetition should be performed slowly as you work through the full range of motion. Try to remain focused on the workout and not let your mind wonder.
  • Cool down. When you schedule your daily workout, give yourself time to fit in both the warm up and cool down before and after your exercise. The cooling phase is the final phase of a workout, during which you slow your motions and decrease the intensity of your exercise. Give yourself time to cool down before you end your workout for the day.
  • Foods after a workout: Within 30 minutes of your workout routine try to take in carbohydrate/protein. This can be in the form of a powder (protein powder, Amino replete or BCCA {Branched chain amino acids: are important amino acids for re-building muscle and excellent to use when performing a weight routine}, piece of chicken, beef, etc. Ask Dr. Rodwin what the best type and quantity are for your exercise type and body’s need.
  • Water and electrolytes: Ensure you drink plenty of water and replenish your electrolytes. You can use coconut water to replenish your electrolytes as it is an excellent source of minerals, no added sugar (as other drinks are), and low in calories. Make sure you drink fluids throughout the day as well, try to have at least 1-1/2 liters per day. Walk around with a water bottle and refill it throughout the day, as you then monitor how much you are really drinking. Ask Dr. Rodwin how much you should drink throughout the day.
  • Taking time to rest is absolutely essential. Your body needs time off from exercise. A good rule of thumb is to plan three to five days of workout each week, with regular days for rest. If you are experiencing fatigue or pain, that’s a good sign your body needs a break.

Should I see Dr. Barbara Rodwin before starting an exercise program?

Yes you should see Dr. Barbara Rodwin or another chiropractor before starting an exercise program!

Dr. Barbara Rodwin specializes in biomechanics which is looking at the whole body, how it moves, the flexibility, imbalances, and if each joint, muscle, ligament, bursa and tendon have its normal motion or function. If it does not, Dr. Rodwin then determines how this is affecting the other areas that function with this structure. If you have a full body exam before initiating an exercise program you are being PROACTIVE with your body!
After completing this type of assessment you are given instructions on how to work on these imbalances, and a tailored stretching/strengthening program for you exercise needs and/or imbalances. Just think about it, having this completed before starting an exercise program enables you to avoid injuries, feel good when you exercise, allows your body to see the changes you want more quickly, and you recover better after your workout while feeling amazing!
Dr. Rodwin can even help you design a proper workout routine and eating schedule.
If you would like to have this completed ask front reception for this, speak to Dr. Rodwin in person or via email at:

Mastering your Metabolism in the New Year!

How often do your New Year’s resolutions contain health-related goals? And how often do you achieve them? Many of my patients want to lose weight, find more energy, sleep more, perform better or strengthen their immune systems. Whether your past efforts have been successful or not, I’m here to help you knock down any obstacles and attack those goals head-on! Let’s look at a two of the most common things that get in the way…
STRESS: You’ve spent the last year preparing for the next 12 months, working 12-hour days, spending your free time shuttling around and attending to your kids, your friends don’t recognize you anymore and you’ve sworn that you’ll sleep when it’s all over. So when does it end?! Your adrenal glands release the hormones adrenaline and cortisol in response to immediate and long-term stressors, essentially acting as your stress buffer and mobilizing the energy you need to keep up with the demand. Prolonged stress and sustained cortisol release can lead to many health issues including fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain (especially around the abdomen!) and immune suppression. Many of my patients come to me frustrated because they’re spending hours at the gym and eating well, but still can’t lose weight. It’s often the work we do on their adrenals that makes the difference and after implementing routines, rest, stress management, proper nutrition and supportive supplements we can get them back to lean, mean, fuel-burning machines! We can’t always remove the stress, but we can change how our body responds to it. Your adrenals have also been doing overtime, so it’s time to give them some love!


METABOLISM: Your thyroid is the master gland of metabolism and regulates your body’s ability to break down, store and burn nutrients as fuel. Many times when subjected to high stress, low exercise, poor nutrition or immune factors, your thyroid can fall asleep on the job and lower metabolism. This leads to weight gain, low energy, low mood, dry skin, brittle hair, among other signs and nutritional deficiencies. Even more interesting is that prolonged stress and high cortisol release can actually suppress the thyroid even more. Successful weight loss requires a healthy thyroid and a metabolism that’s working for you, not against you. Key things that help include antioxidants to protect the thyroid, mineral-dense foods to support thyroid metabolism, and herbs that stimulate and support this gland.
There are a number of other physiological factors that could be blocking your health goals, finding and treating them is a huge step that will help make you more efficient and help you be successful! If you’re looking for a trained professional to help you delve deeper into your mission of health and get you on track I’m happy to help.